Arm Liposuction Surgery in Delhi

Do sleeveless outfits make you feel uncomfortable? No need to worry! Arm liposuction can help you regain confidence and show off your arms with pride.

Arm liposuction is a quick and simple procedure that removes excess fat, resulting in toned and shapely arms. You won’t need to feel self-conscious anymore.

Who Can Benefit from Arm Liposuction?

It can be tough to lose fat in the upper arms, even with diet and exercise. If your arms seem larger compared to the rest of your body but you're not generally overweight, arm liposuction may be a good option for you. It can also be done alongside other procedures, like 360-degree liposuction or abdominal liposuction.

How the Arm Liposuction Procedure Works?

During the procedure, a fluid is injected into the arms to help break down the fat. Then, through tiny incisions (about 1-2 mm), a thin tube called a cannula is inserted to remove the fat. These small incisions are closed with stitches, and the entire process usually takes 1-2 hours with just a local anesthetic. You'll be able to head home the same day, feeling lighter and one step closer to your ideal look!

Recovery After the Procedure

After the procedure, you might feel some soreness and see bruising. You’ll need to wear a compression sleeve for up to 4 weeks to help your skin tighten and improve the results.

Are There Scars?

The incisions are very small, and any scars are usually barely noticeable once you’ve healed.

When Will You See Results?

You’ll notice a reduction in arm size right after surgery, but swelling and bruising will take time to heal. Most of the swelling goes away in 15-20 days, and the final results will be visible after about 3 months, leaving you with more defined and shapely arms.

For more information about liposuction, click here!

Before the procedure

Types of Liposuction

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Tumescent liposuction

In this type, the doctors inject a large amount of medicated fluid into the areas with excess fatty tissue. The fluid is made by combining an intravenous (IV) salt solution, lidocaine(a local anesthetic), and epinephrine.

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Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL)

This technique uses ultrasonic vibrations to liquefy the fat cells that are then eliminated from the targeted area through suction. Some surgeons may also use UAL in combination with the tumescent liposuction technique.

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Laser-assisted liposuction

Laser-assisted liposuction is a liposuction technique in which surgeons use laser energy to liquefy fat cells. The liquid matter is then vacuumed out through small tubes. This is a oldest liposuction techniques.

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VASER liposuction (VASER)

In this type, surgeons break down the bonds binding the fat cells using powerful waves in a gentle and controlled manner. It’s a complex procedure that requires the expertise of experienced cosmetic surgeons.

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